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Introduction to interface knowledge of industrial cameras

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Introduction to interface knowledge of industrial cameras

Date:2018-04-14 Author:admin Click:

 The interface size of the objective lens has international standards. There are three types of interface types, namely F type, C type and CS type. The F-type interface is a general-purpose interface and is generally suitable for lenses with a focal length greater than 25mm. When the focal length of the objective lens is less than 25mm, the C-type or CS-type interface is used because the objective lens is not large.


Difference between C interface and CS interface

    The difference between the C and CS interfaces is the distance between the contact surface of the lens and the camera to the focal plane of the lens (the position where the camera's CCD photoelectric sensor should be). The distance for the C-type interface is 17.5mm., And the distance for the CS-type interface is 12.5mm. . C lens and C camera, CS lens and CS camera can be used together. A 5mm C / CS adapter can be used between the C-type lens and the CS-type camera. CS lenses cannot be used with C cameras.





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