Shenzhen Dehong Vision Technology Co., Ltd.
Phone: 183 0666 4155
Fax: 0755-2372-6873
Address: Goldman Sachs Building, No. 18 Shajing
Center Road, Baoan District, Shenzhen
Optical screening machine features:
Screening speed
Speed determines production capacity. If a machine is used to replace a large number of manual inspections, speed must be the primary consideration. There are various opinions on the machine sellers in the market. Taking the M8 product as an example, the telecentric lens is from 200pic / min to 500pic / min. Basically, in addition to the feeding speed, the detection content and the camera acquisition speed also have a certain effect. In general, M8 products must pass 650pic / min or more to pass the test under normal testing items. Telecentric lens, industrial lens, camera lens
Screening accuracy
Most people think that to improve the accuracy, you must improve the camera configuration and precision optical detection. In fact, the accuracy will also be affected by the light and the lens. The right light source and lens can meet customer needs. Dehong industrial lenses have been applied by customers.
3. Shareability
There are thousands of styles of fasteners and machined parts, and the size is even more. When the industry chooses the automatic screening machine, the style and sharing of the parts are also considered. Some screening machines can only be applied to one product, or even only to a single size. In this way, the investment of the operator cannot be brought to full benefit, and the main purpose of replacing human testing and saving costs cannot be achieved. For those with a variety of products, the cost is even more a burden. So choose the industrial lens as versatile as possible.
Shenzhen Dehong Vision Technology Co., Ltd.
Phone: 183 0666 4155
Fax: 0755-2372-6873
Address: 19th Floor, Goldman Sachs Building,
No. 18 Shajing Center Road, Baoan District, Shenzhen